Euro to dollar exchange
When you want to exchanges euro to dollar, Pott Change is the place you are looking for! We calculate the amounts and best rates which you want to exchange and invest in with no commission or extra costs involved. You can view our latest dollar rates on our site and with the use of our currency converter you can directly calculate how many dollars you receive for the amount of euros you put in. Please compare our prices with the prices of the other major banks or exchange offices who do charge commission or other additional charges, and see if you are better off with them then you can inform us about it and we can see if we can lower our rates and still do business with you.

Favorable euro to dollar rate
Because Pott Change is located in the city centre of Amsterdam we do exchange a large amount of dollars for tourists and business clients. The turnover rate of the U.S. dollar is very high with us, so we can offer you favourable price from “euro to dollar”
When buying dollars you pay via cash and also with the use of a debitcard (PIN) Please note, however, that banks often use a day limit of around 1,500 euro to 2,500 euro per day. This limit is independent of withdrawals at an ATM. If necessary, you can use your own bank (temporary) to increase the total daily limit to make sure you can pay it in one go. When you buy dollars you can just visit us in Amsterdam and purchase your desired amount! Ask for our privacy booth. In the privacy booth you can recount your dollars to make sure that everything is allright.
Benefits for exchange at Pott Change
• Best rates
• No commission or fees
• Open MO-SA from 8.30 AM tot 8.00 PM
• No obligation and free of charge, place your order and collect later
• Pay with debitcard and if needed use our privacy booth
You can also find more information about exchanging dollar to euro on our website.

- Pott Change Damrak B.V.
- Damrak 95
- 1012 LP
- Amsterdam
- Email:
- Tel: 020 626 36 58
- Monday 08.30 AM - 8.00 PM
- Tuesday 08.30 AM - 8.00 PM
- Wednesday 08.30 AM - 8.00 PM
- Thursday 08.30 AM - 8.00 PM
- Friday 08.30 AM - 8.00 PM
- Saturday 08.30 AM - 8.00 PM
- Sunday Closed