Buying and selling currencies

Pott Change
Pott Change is specialized in buying and selling currencies. On our website you can find the most tradable price of currencies available and by using our currency converter, it is possible to calculate the amount that you will receive or pay for your currencies. Also you can find all tradable currencies available through us. For rates of currencies not mentioned or not present on our website, please feel free to contact us either via e-mail or by phone. We will be able to give you the rate there and then.
Buy and sell currencies for the lowest rates
At Pott Change we offer currency converting without commission and extra costs. We can therefore offer you the best rates possible. Just compare our rates to rates and conditions offered by the big banks like Rabobank, ING and other exchange offices like GWK Travelex. Beside this we can offer most currencies from stock. Banks usually need to know the amount and which currency some days in advance. If you were to find better rates elsewhere, please tell us and we might be able to offer you a similar deal or even a better one.

Most currency is available
Many currencies such as the American Dollar, British pounds and many other European currencies are standardized and in stock. But also other less common currencies such as the Japanese Yen, Thai Bath, Chinese Yuan and over 40 other currencies in stock.
Please contact us for the required currency. And if you find the rate is especially favourable do not hesitate to reserve your required amount and collect it later (for instance over the weekend) Remember we offer all this without any extra charge or obligation and on top of this we are open 6 days week a week from Monday to Saturday from 8.30 AM tot 8.00 PM for your convenience!
- Pott Change Damrak B.V.
- Damrak 95
- 1012 LP
- Amsterdam
- Email:
- Tel: 020 626 36 58
- Monday 08.30 AM - 8.00 PM
- Tuesday 08.30 AM - 8.00 PM
- Wednesday 08.30 AM - 8.00 PM
- Thursday 08.30 AM - 8.00 PM
- Friday 08.30 AM - 8.00 PM
- Saturday 08.30 AM - 8.00 PM
- Sunday Closed