Our exchange rate calculator immediately calculates the correct and most current exchange rate. You can convert foreign currencies with the exchange rate calculator. This is how you can find answers to questions like: How many US dollar is 1 euro worth? When you need to use an exchange rate calculator, you can assume that this one is displaying the current exchange rate. This means that this exchange rate will fluctuate a bit for each currency. Pott Change is always the first one up to date on the most recent exchange rates. This is how we guarantee that the correct exchange rate is always used for calculations with the exchange rate calculator.

How does our currency calculator work?

In just a few steps, you can calculate what you will receive in foreign currency and what you will have to pay. Read the three easy steps on the right for using the calculator.

  1. For the first option, specify the country. You enter this next to Currency. You can choose from various countries with different monetary units. Will you be visiting Egypt on holiday and need Egyptian Pounds (EGP)? If so, choose this as the country in the first step.
  2. Choose either Buying or Selling. Choose Buying if you need foreign currency and if you want to know how much foreign currency you will receive for your euros. Choose Selling if you have foreign currency left over and want to convert it into euros.
  3. Next, choose between another two options: Giving or Receiving. For instance, this allows you to calculate what you will receive in USD if you give in EUR. You can also calculate what you will pay in EUR if you want to receive USD (enter the amount in yourself).

The currency calculator will display the value of the other currency. Tip! Making a new calculation? Change the country in order to change the currency. After that, move the cursor to the next amount and then press enter.

Pott Change features a reliable currency calculator. You can exchange your money with us directly. You will receive the exact amount that you see in the currency calculator. This is because Pott Change does not include any additional costs or commission. We also have most currencies immediately available in our supply. For more information, please contact our office. We look forward to assisting you!

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View the latest exchange rates: these are updated daily.

Do you have a question?

If so, please contact us by calling: 020-6263658 or using the contact form.